About Me

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kindhearted and always determind to do things in changing life.....

Thursday, July 22, 2010


6:00 - 6:30 - he has a crush on you
6:31 - 7:00 - you'll have a BF soon
7:01 - 7:30 - bad faith; illness
7:31 -8:00 - expect the unexpected
8:01 -8:30 - good luck for the day
8:31 -9:00 - a blind person will love you
9:01 -9:30 - somebody is longing for you
9:31 -10:00 - your BF will love you more
10:01 -10:30 - your friend will be jealous
10:31 - 11:00 - he has another girl
11:01 - 11:30 - he will love you
11:31 - 12:00 -you'll met a wonderful guy
12:01 - 12:30 - he wants you to be a friend
12:31 - 1:00 - dont open your heart to anyone
1:01 - 1:30 - somebody is waiting for you
1:31 - 2:00 - he is faithfull to you
2:01 - 2:30 - he has plan to visit you
2:31 - 3:00 - a disappoinment
3:01 - 3:30 - an invitation
3:31 - 4:00 - he wants to be with you
4:01 - 4:30 - a quarrel
4:31 - 5:00 - a fulfillment
5:01 - 5:30 - a sufficient love
5:31 - 6:00 - you can rely on your friend
6:01 - 6:30 - he has plan to visit you
6:31 - 7:00 - he is always thinking of you
7:01 - 7:30 - he is going to marry you soon
7:31 - 8:00 - a reconcilliation
8:01 - 8:30 - somebody is thinking of you
8:31 - 9:00 - something nice will happen
9:01 - 9:30 - you will have a secret admirer
9:31 - 10:00 - he loves you very much
10:01 - 10:30 - you will be happy with him
10:31 - 11:00 - he comes as a luck for you
11:01 - 11:30 - a very lovely heart
11:31 -12:00 - just forget him
12:01 -12:30 - he is dreaming of you
12:31 - 1:00 - he cant sleep because he is thinking of you and he loves you very much....

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Art of Letting Go

We often feel ourselves and say its love only when its gone,end up being lonely..In a relationship,one of the hardest thing to do is saying goodbye and letting go. It is hard as breaking a crystal, because you'll never know when you will be able to pick up the pieces again..More often than not,they who go feel not the pain of parting. It is they who left behind that suffer,because they are left with memories of love,that was meant to be a LOVE that was:
I had met two wonderful men,before I learned how it is to be completely inloved. The first ma was Joel,he was a real gentleman with a sincere heart. Ours was a relationship based on MU and I had a grad time with him but we had to part ways. The second man Jeff was my first real BF. He was the most selfless man I had ever met. But although we had nourished our feelings with each other years before we finally got together,our relationship still seemed to haved started at wrong place and at the wrong time. Somehow he made me realized that if you really loved someone fear would be the least of your concern. You would not be anxious enough as to where your relationship is going because the mere presence of your loved one is reason enough to stay calm and secure. I'll be forever grateful to him fr having taught me that true love knows no distance although it offers enough space when necessary. Two years after Jeff and I split up, I met Leo. I had no idea, he would become the best and the worst memory that I was going to keep in a long time. He was gentle yet strong,silent but deep. He was irresistible in so many ways. I was convinced he loved me and ultimately I was so optimistic and confident that were going to make our relationship last,but he was only as good as a dream. In everything he did to me,he did it certain,he did it perfectly. But I could only be so sorry that I was not perfect as he was. I wanted to hold on because I believed that was love was all about,conquering your fears and accepting your loved one for who he really is. But it seemed that the harder i tried,the more I messed up. Later I just found myself wanting to save a little bit more of love to myself. At first I thought maybe if I prayed hard and often enough maybe God would see that I really wanted him back and thus grant my prayers in the end. So I prayed and prayed. I prayed everytime I got the chance to pray whether I was alone or in the middle of work. I lived and breathed each day pretending that the next day,we'd be together again. But still God didn't bring him back....instead as if he was moved further away
from me. I almost believed that my prayers wouldn't be answered. After many tormenting months, I realized that the answer to my prayers did not come in the way that I had wanted it. But God answered the same, Leo did not deserved me.
Sometimes the one we loved most turns to be the one who hurts us most. But we should remember that failing in love is not loving enough for us to fear love,and that although love mean giving up, it can also mean letting go.........